Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cumming Together

Since her husband wasn’t interested
my wife a cold fish
together we came for the very first time
inside a motel room
comforted each other with the curves
of our hard bodies
utterly consumed by the intense flames
of forbidden passion
with our loins aflame with sexual lust
like melting wax
running down the stem of a candlestick
out clothes vanished
lay upon the floor completely forgotten
the orbs of her breasts
along with the honey of her femininity
my forbidden lover
presented to me on top of the motel bed
with my lips pressed
tightly against the opening of her pussy
she moaned so softly
a willing captive of the throes of desire
writhing beneath me
the tip of my tongue slipped deep inside
drove her into a frenzy
as the shaft of my manhood descended
down into her mouth
slid between the curves of her sweet lips
time stood utterly still
as we licked and sucked to our pulsating
hearts contentment
until as one we consumed each other

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The First of Many Trysts

It was in the bedroom where it all started
that Cynthia became my slave
gave to me the ripened curves of her body
slipped her arms about my neck
turned me on with a sweet kiss of passion
let me cup the orbs of her melons
ever so gently within the palms of my paws
from our bodies our clothes melted
like wax flowing down a lighted candlestick
until as naked as upon the morning
of our birthday more than twenty years apart
we lay atop the bed engaging in sex
like naughty bandits we stole from each other
the love that belonged to another
began an affair that would continue to outlast
even the energizer bunny rabbit
the torrid sounds of our intense sexual ecstasy
rattled my open bedroom windows
as we humped and rode each other mercilessly
right there on top of my unmade bed
for the first of many trysts in each others arms

Monday, September 28, 2009

The History Of Prostitution & Prostitute License

The Newsnworld.wordpress has uncovered a series of the contrary to the old cliché, prostitution is almost certainly not the world’s oldest profession–that would be hunting and gathering, perhaps followed by subsistence farming–but it has been found in nearly every civilization on Earth stretching back throughout all recorded human history. We can say with some confidence that wherever there have been money, goods, or services to be bartered, somebody has bartered them for sex.

18th Century : Code of Hammurabi Refers to Prostitution

The Code of Hammurabi includes provisions to protect the inheritance rights of prostitutes, the only category of women (except for widows) who had no male providers:

If a “devoted woman” or a prostitute to whom her father has given a dowry and a deed therefor … then her father die, then her brothers shall hold her field and garden, and give her corn, oil, and milk according to her portion …

If a “sister of a god,” or a prostitute, receive a gift from her father, and a deed in which it has been explicitly stated that she may dispose of it as she pleases … then she may leave her property to whomsoever she pleases.

To the extent that we have records of the ancient world, prostitution appears to have been more or less ubiquitous.

6th Century : Solon Establishes State-Funded Brothels

Greek literature refers to three classes of prostitutes: pornai, or slave prostitutes; freeborn street prostitutes; and hetaera, educated prostitute-entertainers who enjoyed a level of social influence that was denied to nearly all non-prostitute women. Pornai and street prostitutes, appealing to a male clientele, could be either female or male. Hetaera were always female.

According to tradition, Solon established government-supported brothels in high-traffic urban areas of Greece–brothels staffed with inexpensive pornai that all men, regardless of income level, could afford to hire.

Prostitution would remain legal throughout the Greek and Roman periods, though later, Christian Roman emperors strongly discouraged it.

AD 590 (ca.): Reccared Bans Prostitution

The newly-converted Reccared I, Visigoth King of Spain, banned prostitution as part of an effort to bring his country into alignment with Christian ideology. There was no punishment for men who hired or exploited prostitutes, but women found guilty of selling sexual favors were whipped 300 times and exiled, which in many cases would have been tantamount to a death sentence.

1161: King Henry II Regulates But Does Not Ban Prostitution

By the medieval era, prostitution was accepted as a fact of life in major cities. King Henry II discouraged but permitted it, though he mandated that prostitutes must be single and ordered weekly inspections of London’s infamous brothels to ensure that other laws were not being broken.

1358: Italy Embraces Prostitution

The Great Council of Venice declared prostitution to be “absolutely indispensable to the world” in 1358, and government-funded brothels were established in major Italian cities throughout the 14th and 15th centuries.

1586: Pope Sixtus V Mandates Death Penalty for Prostitution

Penalties for prostitution–ranging from maiming to execution–were technically in place in many European states, but generally went unenforced. The newly-elected Pope Sixtus V grew frustrated and decided on a more direct approach, ordering that all women who participate in prostitution should be put to death. There is no evidence that his order was actually carried out on any large scale by Catholic nations of the period.

Although Sixtus reigned for only five years, this was not his only claim to fame. He is also noted as the first Pope to declare that abortion is homicide regardless of the stage of pregnancy; before he became Pope, the church taught that fetuses did not become human persons until quickening (about 20 weeks).

1802: France Establishes Bureau of Morals

Following the French Revolution, the government replaced the traditional bans on prostitution with a new Bureau of Morals (Bureau des Moeurs)–first in Paris, and then throughout the country. The new agency was essentially a police force responsible for monitoring houses of prostitution in order to ensure that they complied with the law, and did not become centers of criminal activity (as has historically been the tendency with respect to brothels). The agency operated continuously for over a century before it was abolished.

1932: Forced Prostitution in Japan

“The women cried out,” Japanese WWII veteran Yasuji Kaneko would later recall, “but it didn’t matter to us whether the women lived or died. We were the emperor’s soldiers. Whether in military brothels or in the villages, we raped without reluctance.”

During World War II, the Japanese government abducted between 80,000 and 300,000 women and girls from Japanese-occupied territories and forced them to serve in “comfort battalions,” militarized brothels that were created to serve Japanese soldiers.

To this day, the Japanese government has denied responsibility and refused to issue an official apology or pay restitution.

1956: India Almost Bans Sex Trafficking

Although the Immoral Traffic Suppression Act (SITA) theoretically banned commercialized sex trade in 1956, Indian anti-prostitution laws are generally enforced, and have traditionally been enforced, as public order statutes. As long as prostitution is restricted to certain areas, it is generally tolerated.

Subsequently, India is home today to Asia’s largest red-light district–Mumbai’s infamous Kamathipura, which originated as a massive brothel for British occupiers and shifted to a local clientele following Indian independence.

1971: Nevada Permits Brothels

Nevada is not the most liberal region of the United States–that would be Berkeley, California, which regularly rejects legalization of prostitution by an overwhelming margin–but it is among the most libertarian. State politicians have consistently held the position that they personally oppose legalized prostitution, but do not believe that it should be banned at the state level. Subsequently, some counties ban brothels and some allow them to operate legally.

1999: Sweden Takes a Feminist Approach

Although anti-prostitution laws have historically focused on the arrest and punishment of prostitutes themselves, the Swedish government attempted a new approach in 1999. Classifying prostitution as a form of violence against women, Sweden offered a general amnesty to prostitutes and initiated new programs designed to help them transition into other lines of work.

But the new legislation did not decriminalize prostitution as such–while it became legal under the Swedish model to sell sex, it remained illegal to buy sex or to pander prostitutes. Evidence of the new system’s efficacy is inconclusive, but early indications suggest that it may be working.

2007: South Africa Confronts Sex Trafficking

A semi-industrialized nation with a growing economy surrounded by poorer nations, South Africa is a natural haven for international sex traffickers eager to export their prey from poorer nations. And to make matters worse, South Africa has a serious domestic prostitution problem of its own–in a nation where an estimated 25 percent of prostitutes are children.

But the South African government is cracking down. Criminal Law Amendment Act 32 of 2007 targets human trafficking, and a team of legal scholars has been commissioned by the government to draft new regulations governing prostitution. South Africa’s legislative successes and failures will create templates that can be used in other nations.

Prostitute License

The Newsnworld.wordpress has uncovered a series of these are carefully researched “new” documents created by My Granny’s Attic.

We have used the names of real prostitutes and the City officials in office on the dates that we have chosen to use. Many of these names are well known such as “Bat” Masterson and the Long Branch Saloon, Seth Bullock, E.B. Farnum, Sol Star, Big Emma, Pearl de Vere and many more.

We give you a few options of towns to the right as well as sizes of frames.

Also, all of our ladies photos show them nicely dressed but if you would like a more risque topless photo with your license please let us know and we will accomodate your wishes. You can also have a replica $3.00 bill instead of the receipt in the frame.

You can also create your own Prostitute License – send us the name, city, state and date that you would like to appear on the license as well as the type of photo or send me a photo and we will create YOUR license.

In some of the old West towns prostitutes were required to be licensed in the 1800’s here in the United States. I have recently acquired a authentic license belonging to a prostitute from Tombstone, AZ.

We thought that these would be fun items and they look very real even though there is a disclaimer on the back of the frame so that future generations are not “fooled” by the authentic look and feel of these official looking documents.

You will see similar items for sale on the online auction sites as the real deal…. they are not real. The real license is only a piece of paper. What you are seeing for sale is a new piece made to look old, they are actually being made in China, Taiwan or someplace in the Orient.

The First Time

It all began with a so forbidden kiss
that led to an inappropriate touch
a slight graze of my fingertips
tap dancing across the forbidden flesh
of the curves of my Auntie’s body
the spark that began the conflagration
set our forbidden obsessions ablaze
with the desire to be intensely sated
between the sheets of my uncles bed
where upon the playground of our lust
my all time favorite Auntie and I
intentionally rocked each others world

Sunday, September 27, 2009

La lingerie comme un art de la légèreté

Donc tenter en quelques lignes de comprendre et d’expliquer aussi pourquoi une nouvelle marque de lingerie peut provoquer en moi jubilation et curiosité. Prenons donc l’exemple “Undiz”. Une boutique à Aix, dans les rues piétonnes, une autre à Marseille rue Saint-Ferréol. Tout d’abord, une merveilleuse excuse : la gamme est mixte. Je ne veux pas dire qu’il y a des shorts à froufrous pour homme. Mais on trouve tout de même un rayon sympa pour les garçons. Ainsi, on peut aller y chercher un pyjama à carreaux et un débardeur pour faire mâle, genre Marlon Brando dans “Un Tramway nommé désir” tout en profitant du spectacle des jeunes filles qui choisissent d’incroyables culottes avec des volants et des attaches pour des bas pour boucler la panoplie que jamais elles n’achèteront. Parce que tout de même…
Entrer chez “Undiz”, cela donne l’impression d’être un diabétique dans une chocolaterie. On se dit : “Non, je ne peux pas” en se pourléchant les babines. On dévore des yeux toute la gamme pétillante, les bloomers, les culottes gaufrées, les serre-tailles années 1950 sortis d’un poster pour vieux camionneurs, les strings tombés dans un bac de sorbets et on voudrait rencontrer la ou le styliste qui a inventé tout cela. Afin de lui remettre immédiatement la légion d’honneur et la médaille du mérite.
Un moment, je me suis demandé si, à 48 ans, je ne virais pas vieux beau regardant les ados. Mais la présence de femmes mûres nostalgiques de leurs années vichy -l’imprimé hein pas la période Pétain !- m’a rassuré. En fait, il y a de la légèreté chez Undiz. De l’ambiance “premier été à Saint-Trop”. Du désir d’érotisme joueur, taquin. L’envie de se prendre pour une lolita pour trois francs six sous en faisant tilter les yeux de son jules après un strip-tease express. Une manière de lui offrir un mix de soirée Haribo et Greta Garbo. Brigitte Bardot avant la chute (total respect tout de même pour “Et Dieu créa la femme” et le mambo qui nous explosa le palpitant)
Donc faites péter les culottes, les tops indécents sur des poitrines généreuses, faites craquer les petits pois sur les fesses rebondies. Que la fête commence !

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top 5 vòng một "khủng" nhất Việt Nam @_@

Gợi cảm với những đường cong và vòng một bất thường, các người đẹp giờ đây không chỉ nổi tiếng về tài năng mà còn bởi nhan sắc và độ nóng bỏng trong mỗi khuôn hình.Điểm một vài cái tên đang nổi trong làng giải trí thời gian gần đây về vòng 1 nóng bỏng, họ là những ai?     


Thủy top – Hoàng Minh Thủy (1989) Cô gái 20 tuổi này có lẽ được người ta nhắc nhiều đến vì “vòng 1 vĩ đại” hơn là tài năng của một diễn viên hay stylist thời trang. Vốn từng là bạn thân của “Vàng Anh” Hoàng Thùy Linh, bộ đôi bạn cùng tiến này đã cùng nổi danh bằng hai con đường và cả hai đều đã thành công khi được nhắc tên. Xuất hiện và gây sốc với 2 bộ ảnh để đời là “Sexy Sunshine” và “Boxing Girl”. Ngay sau khi 2 bộ ảnh đó được tung ra, nhiều người đã coi Thủy Top như một “phát nổ” về độ sexy – quả bom tấn, quả bom sex vì chính Thủy Top là người dựng style và kiêm luôn người mẫu của bộ ảnh này. Cuộc so tài giữa các vòng 1 “khủng” giờ đây luôn có tên Thủy Top trong bảng so sánh phân bì.

Sau sự cố với vợ chồng Quảng Hải – Hải Yến, Thủy Top lại tiếp tục bị lộ hàng một lần nữa và câu chuyện về cô gái này vẫn sẽ còn tiếp tục. Hiện cô đang là stylist thời trang cho báo Sài Gòn tiếp thị, Tiếp thị gia đình, Tạp chí Âm nhạc…

MC Pha Lê
Cô MC sinh năm 1987 được nhiều người biết đến với vai trò MC của Đài Truyền hình Hà Nội và qua cuộc thi Vietnam Idol 2008. Đồng thời, cô cũng là người làm nóng dư luận về mối quan hệ với hai cầu thủ nổi tiếng là Công Vinh và Lee Nguyễn. Cô gái có khuôn mặt không nổi bật lắm này sở hữu một thân hình khá gợi cảm với vòng một nóng bỏng, đặc biệt trong bộ ảnh “Người đẹp và xe”.


Pha Lê vừa tốt nghiệp Đại học Ngoại ngữ và đang vững bước tiến trên con đường nghệ thuật. Cô cho biết đã có bạn trai hiện đang ở nước ngoài.


Lê Kiều Như – Người đẹp và váy mỏng Cô diễn viên có vẻ ngoài hiền lành đã gây sôc với khán giả bằng một loạt những bộ ảnh gợi cảm. Tự tin với vóc dáng, Lê Kiều Như đã trình làng những tấm hình sexy với váy mỏng. Được biết đến sau “VTV, bài hát tôi yêu”, Lê Kiều Như lại lấn sân sang điện ảnh như một cơ duyên. Cô đã hoàn thành phim “Bước chân hoàn vũ” và tiểu thuyết “Sợi xích”.


Lê Kiều Như và bạn trai cô, nhạc sĩ Nguyễn Nhất Huy vẫn chưa tính đến đám cưới trong năm nay.

Hotgirl Elly – Nguyễn Kim Hồng

Xuất hiện trong chương trình Thục Sơn Kiều Nữ – cuộc thi sắc đẹp dành riêng cho các game thủ nữ, Elly đã trở thành cái tên được đánh giá là đối thủ xứng tầm với Thủy Top.

Trong thời gian qua Elly được biết đến như một Hot girl trên mạng với “vòng 1 gợi cảm”. Sau khi cơn sốt mang tên “hội chứng Thủy Top” lắng xuống, thì cư dân mạng lại nhắc đến Elly – như là một cơn sốt mới. Gần đây, Elly xuất hiện nhiều hơn trong vai trò người mẫu game. Cô còn định phát triển việc ca hát, vì vẫn vừa đi học vừa đi luyện thanh.

 Hoa hậu Mai Phương Thúy
   Ngay sau khi những bức hình nóng bỏng của Mai Phương Thúy được đăng tải trên một trang báo mạng, nhiều người đã rất sốc và đưa ra nghi vấn khi thấy đôi gò bồng đảo của Hoa hậu nở nang quá mức. Có nhiều tin đồn về chuyện hoa hậu đã “dao kéo’ lại vòng một và được đem ra so sánh với những tấm hình trước đây của cô.

Với chiều cao 1m84 và vòng 1 nóng bỏng, Mai Phương Thúy là người đẹp có số đo chuẩn nhất hiện nay.




Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Youtube è indubbiamente il sito internet per la condivisione dei video più famoso, ma come fare per scaricare un filmato sul nostro computer dato che non è una funzione possibile direttamente?

Il servizio in questione è offerto dal sito, vediamo come procedere con la seguente procedura:
1) Identifichiamo su YouTube il video che intendiamo scaricare.
2) Posizioniamoci sopra la pagina dei video e copiamo l’indirizzo web che appare nella barra degli indirizzi (per esempio:
3) Inseriamo il seguente url nella barra: 4) “Incolliamo” l’indirizzo del video nella barra del sito
5) Clicchiamo il pulsante DOWNLOAD.

A questo punto il filmato verrà scaricato sul nostro computer in formato .flv. Un riproduttore per visualizzarlo è FLV Player o il più famoso Bs Player

Monday, September 21, 2009

On a Night Not Forgotten...Part I

It was a night not to be forgotten
of forbidden passion
when my former English teacher
a lovely jungle bunny
willingly gave the luscious curves
of her hourglass figure
to little oh me during the summer
just before I went away
off to seek my future and fortune
within her kitchenette
the difference in our race and age
was all but forgotten
as she slipped down upon my lap
pulled off the silky gown
she wore to conceal the luscious
curves of her ripened body
upwards off over her lovely head
where for a moment
it waved in the cool conditioned air
like a flag of surrender
then onto the floor behind her back
her gown fluttered
where it lay out of the way and soon
to be utterly forgotten
in a colorful puddle of cottony fabric

Saturday, September 19, 2009

very nice, very cheap, high heels

Now, what a suprise, I saw these today and they all cost between 7 (!!!) and 17 EU. And they look really cute- sexy- interesting, don´t they. Usually, when I see several pairs of shoes I like and if I cannot decide I would buy none. Here this problem actually does not exist *SMile*. Unfortunatly I did not even try them as I was forced to go further by a hungry inpatient monster (I love you, darling, but you won´t be allowed to accompany me when shopping anymore, arrgh). As we all know, designer shoes are adorable and nice- of course they are- but normally also absolutely overpriced… also the price does not says nothing about the comfort of the shoe… so I will revisit that store soon for sure (alone LOL)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Night! Outta Sight! Andrea True Connection and "More, More More"

First, we have some business to tend to.  Welcome to the first “Friday Night! Outta Sight!” on Saturn X. I’ve decided that this is the more appropriate place as I’m trying to legitimize On the Cut.  Hilarious, I know.  Anyway, going forward, Saturn X will be the home to everything off-beat and groovy.  On the Cut will be strictly news and politics. I hope you don’t mind. I’m sure you don’t.

Tonight, we have porn star, turned pop star, turned porn star, Andrea True.  This was her biggest and only hit.  It’s a good song, but the best part is the break, which appears around 2:25.   Sadly, this version cuts it short.  Oh, well. Get down and get it on!

Café, variation sur un même thème

…Lui apporter un café matinal en m’asseyant doucement sur le lit pour ne pas la réveiller. Poser la tasse, et lui embrasser délicatement l’épaule. Ne pas pouvoir résister au plaisir de glisser ma main sous la couette, la passer dans son dos, dans le creux de ses reins, jusqu’à effleurer ses fesses…

Apaisement au matin

Profitez en pour découvrir si ce n’est déjà fait mes 0bsessions, recevables ou pas…

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Atriz Mischa Barton faz striptease em novo filme

Mischa Barton mostrou que é uma das atrizes mais sensuais de sua geração e encarnou um striptease para uma cena de seu novo filme, ‘The Homecoming’, que será lançado direto em DVD. As fotos foram divulgadas site americano Daily Mail, e o Pombo traz em primeira mão para o Brasil.

O filme foi gravado antes da estrela, de 23 anos sofrer um colapso nervoso que resultou em sua internação em uma clinica psiquiátrica de Los Angeles.

Atualmente, a musa Mischa Barton vive uma modelo na série ‘The Beautiful Life’, produzida por Ashton Kutcher.

“Gosto de interpretar uma personagem que é parecida comigo. É muito bom estar em um seriado grande depois dosucesso que foi ‘The O.C.”, disse Mischa Barton se referindo ao seu primeiro papel na televisão, na pele de Marissa.

Veja as fotos das cenas de striptease da musa:

*Clique na imagem para ver maior

*Clique na imagem para ver maior

E aí… Gostou das fotos? Comente…

Come and Take Me

She knew that he was watching

as she took off her clothes

from behind the concealed lens

of the small hidden camera

placed behind the unseeing eye

of her sisters teddy bear

yet the lovely raven haired maid

got undressed anyway

shook  the melons of her ripe tits

out of the cups of her bra

ever so slowly her nimble fingers

pulled down the zipper

holding the old and faded fabric

of her blue jean shorts

together around her sexy figure

slid the panties she wore

down her long and slender legs

which she securely placed

over the head of the teddy bear

given to her unsuspecting

older sister by her faithless beau

after wiggling the curves

of her oh so cute and tight little ass

beneath the teddy bears nose

as she whispered come and take me

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sexy In Action - Staying Fit and Limber

Part 1 of this series:  Sexy Is A Long Term Thing, Not Something You Spray On In The Morning

Part 2 of this series:  How to Start Thinking Sexy 24/7

Part 3 of this series:  How to Start Looking More Sexy – Body Appearance


You can’t make love all night if you’re unfit.

You can’t have sex up against a wall if you can’t get your legs around your man’s waist because a) he doesn’t have one, or b) you don’t have the necessary muscle strength to hang on while he does the deed, or c) — worst case scenario — he can’t lift you up in the first place because you’re too heavy (see Part 3 of this series How to Start Looking More Sexy – Body Appearance).

Even plain old missionary position can feel like the torture rack if your hips aren’t used to being spread too far apart, or your heart can’t stand the pressure.

And all of the above is once you’re in bed.

What about getting a man to bed?  Dancing takes muscle strength and cardio endurance.  You’re not going to look too sexy if you start hacking your lungs up after a couple of energetic dances because you smoke too much.

Just plain walking (or walking away so he can check out your ass) takes good muscle tone to pull off, if you want it to look sleek and lean and toned.

While vampiric, death metal looks appeal to some men, you can still achieve the look by simply staying out of the sun, but do yourself a favour: stay fit anyway.  The limber lines of your body won’t be at odds with the wasted, children-of-the-night look, and you’ll enjoy yourself in bed much more when your body is in peak shape.

The older you get, the more reasons you have to keep fit and stay limber.  It’ll offset the aging process, and maintain your confidence.

Weight Training

Weight training is essential for women, but it scares the crap out of most women, and it shouldn’t.  The very people who should be in the weight room are the ones most notably absent.  It’s guys in there grunting and flexing their muscles, when it should be something like 99% women in there, instead, because women stand to gain the most health benefits from weight training.

Lifting weights will not turn you into Arnold Schwarznegger.  It can’t. You just don’t have enough testosterone.  Even guys have a hard enough time building bulges and they have something like five times the amount of testosterone women do.  The men that do get the super-sized results are usually taking steroids.  So freaking out about getting “big” is lunacy.

Weight training is one of the best ways ever of peaking your metabolism and losing a whole lot of body fat really fast, and making your body look long, sleek and sexy.  And, oh yeah, making you stronger.  And I’m not talking about those dinky little pink five pound dumbbells either.  I’m talking about getting into the weight room with the guys and grunting with the best of them, and pushing serious amounts of weight around.  Really shock your muscles.  Do the exercises the guys are doing:  bench presses, squats, flies, shoulder presses, chin ups, leg presses.  None of these are gender-specific or impossible for women to do.  If you must use the weight machines, use them, but you’re better off using the free weights (dumbbells and barbells) because they force you to stabilize the weight for yourself.  A coach can help you get started, but the Body site has mountains of information about body building that will get you started, and it’s very gender neutral, so dive in.  There’s all sorts of great inspiration stories there, too, including some astounding before and after pics.


Make sure you include some sort of stretching program in your daily or weekly routine.  It’s crucial to a sexy body, and to general health and agility, especially as you age. (Sexiness and aging are inter-related.)

This could be a simple series of stretches you do after working out, or you could go for more formal types of stretching, like Yoga.

Again, the all-inclusive Body has some great stretching exercises you can use to build a regular program of your own.


I left this one almost for last because most women, when they think of physical fitness, almost always think of cardio fitness only.  For about the last twenty years we’ve been brainwashed into thinking that just piling on more and more cardio-whatever will keep us fit and help us lose weight. So they rush off and do aerobics, treadmilling, stairmaster, running, you name it.  And it will help…to a degree.  But you’ll lose muscle along with all the fat, and your metabolism slides into the gutter, and your weight loss starts to…slow…..down….  Pretty soon you get fat just from looking at a danish, and can’t figure out what the hell is going on with your body….well that’s why.  You just killed your metabolism because you did too much cardio, and didn’t keep your muscles active at the same time.

I know I don’t need to explain what cardio is or what you need to do.  Women are pre-programmed for cardio.  Say “get fit” or “lose weight” and they go into cardio overdrive.

I’m just saying that while you’re knocking yourself out on the treadmill, or whatever, do just as much — if not a little bit more — work in the weight room.  Don’t kill your metabolism and slide back down into the Danish Trench again.

Stop Smoking

If you’re a smoker, your eyes are already glazing over, I know it.  But bear with me.  There’s two sides to this.  Health and appearance.  Let’s get the health issues out of the way, because I know every man and his dog has been yammering at you about the health issues for years, and they haven’t yet been able to convince you to stop, so I won’t waste my time.

Smoking kills.  It gives you cancer at something like about at 70% rate of probability, once you add up all the long term and short term types of cancers you can get, and the second-hand cancers you’re passing onto your loved-ones, so if you want to court those sort of odds, knock yourself out.  No problems.   There.  Done.

Let’s get to the not-so-superficial appearance reasons for giving up smoking.

A woman smoking a cigarette is not sexy. The last time a woman managed to make cigarette smoking sexy was about three years ago, when Sharon Stone was smoking in Basic Instinct II, and she was fucking nuts anyway — she had a death wish.  Also, every time she brought a cigarette to her mouth, it was choreographed and orchestrated by a director, shot by a cinematographer, and the scene lit by professionals, giving her just the right about of light to make her professionally made-up face look beautful as she sucked on that filter.

You don’t get those props and that set-up, and if you’re like most of the world these days, you don’t get Sharon Stone’s “fuck -you” benefits of being able to smoke indoors, whenever she felt like it, despite by-laws and the protests of anyone else in the vicinity.

I have not seen a woman in public smoking a cigarette that looked anything but ugly.  The pursed lips, the eyes slitted against the smoke, and the general smell of nicotine and smoke hanging around her are the least sexy things I think a woman can do.

I happened to dislike the habit in men just as much, by the way, but this article is about sexiness in women.

Just to make sure I wasn’t being biased and harsh about my own gender, I checked in with Saul, and his feelings about women and smoking, and he in turned did a casual straw poll amongst some of his friends.  The survey response was interesting:  Smoking men will fuck a smoker if they get the chance, but all things being equal, they’ll take the non-smoker over the smoker, any day.  (There’s hypocrisy for you!)  Non-smoking men feel even more strongly than that.  They’d rather walk away from the smoker.  Depending on how long ago they quit, they’ll run away.

In other words, regardless of whether the man is a smoker or not, more men prefer women who don’t smoke.  Granted, this was a very casual poll, based on a very small sample of men.

Next: Figure Out Your Own Sexy Standards


It was on a cold winters night

as the blue eyed poet

setup the small laptop computer

his wife’s little sister

recently bought down at the mall

who now stood behind

his athletic and well hung body

the raven haired maid

stood watching oh so closely

hungering for the curves

of his muscular and hard body

as she bent down over

rubbed the ripe orbs of her tits

against the poet’s back

while looking over his shoulder

oh how the headlights

the stiffening tips of her nipples

grew all the brighter

became even much more harder

as they grazed lightly

upon the blue eyed poet’s back

in an attempt to seduce

her older sister’s unfaithful beau

a successful seduction

that got her more than she wanted

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Eric Turner gives Baskit the MAGIC touch!

If any of you are in the fashion industry, you probably know all about MAGIC – the HUGE apparel trade show held twice annually in Las Vegas.  When I was an editor at Vanidad magazine, I used to make the pilgrimage every year to check out the latest offerings the fashion world had to offer.  One bright spot on these trips was getting to check out the men’s underwear companies, with their hunks all lined up showing the hottest looks in underwear for the next season.

The most recent MAGIC show was in Las Vegas last month and Mega Muscle’s Eric Turner was there modeling for Baskit underwear.  Needless to say, Eric turned as many heads in Vegas as he had just a couple weeks previous in the Castro.  Here are the shots!

Special thanks to R. Harrow of LA Headhots for capturing the moment!

Eric posing with one of the reps in the Baskit booth

Ironically the most clothes Eric had on all day! Photo by R Harrow of LA Headshots

Showing off some of the new styles, photo by R Harrow of LA Headshots

Peekaboo! Photo by R Harrow of LA Headshots

Finding new Eric Turner fans in the Baskit booth, photo by R Harrow of LA Headshots

Does anyone else feel a draft? Photo by R Harrow of LA Headshots

Eric gets a little spanking. Photo by R Harrow of LA Headshots

Working the show. Photo by R Harrow of LA Heashots

View from below. Photo by R Harrow of LA Headshots

On the Sofa

It was upon the livingroom sofa

that the raven haired maid

known as Rachel found herself

being taken by the Poet

moaning, sighing and calling out

her forbidden lovers name

where she writhed beneath him

like the tempestuous waves

of a storm tossed deep blue sea

with both her arms and legs

securely wrapped about his body

the nineteen year old maid

hooted and hollered into the night

bucked like a untamed filly

gave her blue eyed forbidden lover

the ultimate ride of his life

on her unsuspecting parents sofa

mated like a bitch in heat

with the hubby of her older sister

oh how Rachel moaned

sighed and cried out all the more

in the throes of ecstasy

so absolutely out right forbidden

when at last she came

right there upon her sister’s sofa

Monday, September 14, 2009

Interesting 33...

One of my very first posts (5/30 Peonies and Margaritas) I used a picture from the movie Norma Rae of Sally Field holding up a union sign, but it wasn’t until today that I discovered how old the real life woman was on that specific day in 1973.

Crystal Lee Sutton, a mother of 3 and the woman who inspired the movie Norma Rae, worked folding towels earning $2.65 an hour when she was fired for pro-union activity.  She was told to leave the plant but she refused to go without a fight.  Before the police dragged her out, she wrote “UNION” on a piece of cardboard and in her last attempt for fairness she climbed on top of a table and held up her now famous sign.

She was… 33.

Female Fashion Forecast

If we largely observe the Denim trends over the last few years and depict pictorially, it would look something like this -

The final forecast is an outcome of my imagination and original design.

However, the Bikini Jeans or Thong Jeans and Jeggings were learnt from the internet.

The future of Fashion is lies in minimal, functional which would signify the impact of global warming on mankind ( or womankind to be precise). What do you think of my prediction ?

PS: I actually goofed up while drawing the image, however managed to cover it up. The variou steps to create the image is saved in The Rough Page.

Sunday, September 13, 2009










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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hype :Yolanthe!

De ex van Jan Smit en huidig liefje van Wesley Sneijder zijn zo vaak in de media dat het een beetje vervelend wordt voor sommige mensen zo ook het filmpje van Johan Derksen die onlangs nog uit haalde naar de media geile Yolanthe,maar van de andere kant kunnen mannen niet genoeg van haar Spaanse look krijgen en is ze iet voor niet weer de meest sexy vrouw van Nederland geworden.

meer: Yolanthe en wesley sneijder de parkeergarage-Yolanthe & Wesley sneijder vertellen over …

View This Poll

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Friday, September 11, 2009

Pico de Gallo

Pico de Gallo is commonly used in Mexico as an appetizer. It is a type of salsa that you can use to eat with chips.

It is very easy to make, and all you need are the next ingredients…

2 large tomatoes

1 large onion

2 serrano chiles (green chiles)

juice of one lime

olive oil

fresh coriander leaves (cilantro)

salt & pepper

Finely chop the tomatoes, the onion, the chiles and the cilantro. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Add the juice of a lime and the olive oil. Season with a little bit of salt and pepper.

Remember, Do the Mexican, do it with style!


Little Sister

It was the lovely little sister

of my aunts best friend

who made my heart to sing

a nineteen year old

buxom lass with raven hair

who turned me on

made me oh so very hard

with the desire

to taste the honey of her love

one look into the

liquid pools of her green eyes

was all that it took

for my heart to be smitten

just a single kiss

from the soft luscious curves

of her lips so sweet

set my smouldering loins on fire

where we lay entwined

upon the backseat of my jalopy

beneath the new moon

so full and bright we made love

underneath the stars

where as one we came together

fogged up the windows

as we rocked each others world


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Audrina Patridge faz ensaio sexy para a revista Maxim

Fotos: divulgação

A atriz Audrina Patrigne encarnou a dona de casa em um ensaio fotográfico para a revista Maxim.

Veja o ensaio que Britney Spears fez para a mesma revista

Nem fazendo os trabalhos mais árduos como lavar a roupa, o carro e arrumar a cama, Audrina perdeu o glamour. A estrela da série The Hills aparece toda chic com lingeries lindas. (e o corpinho também ajuda, né?)

Fonte: Ego

Fotos: divulgação


Forbidden Ecstasy...Part III

Upon her knees my wife’s baby sister

knelt onto the floor before me

teasingly licked the tip of my little head

with the tip of her warm tongue

oh how she made it stand tall and proud

desired to be taken swiftly

between the soft and delectable curves

of her oh so forbidden lips

made me shiver as I stood there naked

in front of the baby sister

of my oh so unsuspecting little woman

when her lips soft and full

slowly glided down my throbbing shaft

like a Kirby vacuum cleaner

suckled gently yet even all the harder

until at last the untouched lass

made me cum inside the lovely rosebud

that was her talented mouth

rocked my world turned it upside down

with her cuckolded sibling

none the wiser as to her sisters betrayal

but as for me the curves

of her voluptuous and lithesome figure

twas mine to be plucked

from the ground of their parents garden


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Hump Day!

WOW!  You have one day less in the work week and Hump Day really sneaks up on you!

Today’s Hump Day Hunk is Julian Fantechi!  A lot of you probably recognize him from being Playgirl’s Man of the Year in 2007 and his 4 other appearances in the magazine.  Julian wasn’t always so recognizable though.  Before he came to shoot with Mega Muscle, he had only worked with a handful of local photographers and never had a national appearance.  Recognizing the potential in him, I booked him as a model at the Mega Muscle Photography Workshop in Los Angeles and the rest is history!


Julian Fantechi, photo by Aaron Cobbett

Julian Fantechi, photo courtesy of Playgirl

Julian Fantechi, photo courtesy of Men Magazine

Julian Fantechi, photo courtesy of Flesh 4 Men

Julian Fantechi, photo courtesy of Mandate

Julian Fantechi, photo by Serg Studios at the Mega Muscle Photo Workshop in Los Angeles

Julian Fantechi, photographed by Ryan Boyd at the Mega Muscle Photo Workshop in Los Angeles

Julian Fantechi, photo by Ryan Boyd at the Mega Muscle Photo Expo in Los Angeles

Julian Fantechi, photo courtesy of Playgirl


Vrouw flirt graag op het internet!

Het is een feit dat vrouwen graag flirten op momenten dat ze zich even eenzaam voelen en hiervoor is natuurlijk niets zo gemakkelijk als het internet.Dat mannen dit spannend vinden is allang geweten,ook wisten we al dat velen zich via de chat hebben ontmoet en er zelfs een relatie mee beginnen die vaak ook nog stand houdt.In het verhaal dat je hier kunt lezen via de Telegraaf staat 63 procent flirt en 41 procent van hen geeft ook aan het aantrekkelijk te vinden wanneer hij flirt 63 procent flirt en 41 procent van hen geeft ook aan het aantrekkelijk te vinden wanneer hij flirt,dus onze vraag heb jij wel eens digitaal geflirt,is er iets van gekomen,afspraak,sms,verhouding,laat het ons weten via je reactie op dit bericht,alvast bedankt.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Has Eva Mendes LOST Her Curves? (PHOTOS)

Eva Mendes burst onto the scene in 2001’s “Training Day,” has been a staple on Maxim’s Hot 100 list since 2002 (#7 in 2007 & 2008) and earns a nice side income rolling around in sheets for Calvin Klein.

But somewhere along the way the actress may have lost her famous curves.

• • • • • • • • • • Arriving Friday September 4 at the premiere of ‘Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans’ at the Venice Film Festival SOURCE


Forbidden Ecstasy...I

She was my frigid wife’s little sister

whose deceptive smile

is as bright as an angel in heaven

yet between the sheets

a demonette from hell she becomes

to my eternal damnation she

lured me with the curves of her body

made me oh so very hard

with the lusty desire to bed her often

teased me until one night she

awoke the passions hidden deep inside

smouldering within my loins

with her unsuspecting sister out of town

for the ultimate ride of my life

my wife’s little sister took me soaring

high above the orgasmic clouds

of the forbidden sexual ecstasy of her love

made me cum again and again

all the more within the welcoming warmth

of the honeycomb that is

the sweetness of her forbidden wetness


Monday, September 7, 2009

John Mayer - SeXy Guitar Playing Man!

John Mayer makes me feel HAPPY!!

He is gorgeous. Beautiful. Hot like fire! No?

Here are some images of John Mayer playing his guitar.

I hope you enjoy!!

John Mayer is SO yummy!

John Mayer is so SEXY!!

Hmm. I think John Mayer looks sleepy.

That’s right John. Take your shirt off. Let’s go to bed!!!

Oh, JOHN MAYER!! Guitar F*ck me NOW!!

John Mayer is one SEXY guitar hero.


Images originally posted on my blog TO JOHN MAYER WITH LOVE


Sunday, September 6, 2009

SEXY LOOK: Make-up artist Moviko with new Styling Photo at MyFashionShow

MyFashionShow proudly presents

Make-up artist Moviko

Tanja alias Moviko is a make-up artist from Munich, Germany, specializing in portrait, fashion, glamour, swimwear, lingerie and body painting.

Über Visagistin Moviko

Tanja alias Moviko ist als Visagistin für TV- und Videoshootings, Fashion-Shows, Hochzeiten sowie Make-up-Kurse buchbar und hat bereits für Chanel, Shiseido, Dior, Kanebo, Kaltenbach Jeans, Fukuda und verschiedene Fotografen gearbeitet.

Name: Moviko

Wohnort: München, Bayern

Einsatzbereiche: Portrait, Fashion, Bademode, Dessous, Bodypainting, Laufsteg/Bühne, Fasching, Film/Fernsehen, Galas/Hochzeiten

Mehr von Visagistin Moviko
  • Weitere Fashion-Shows
  • Sedcard bei Model-Kartei
  • Schicke eine E-Mail an Moviko


'The Body Watchers': Festival screenings

Kelly Ann Doll in The Body Watchers.

My short “The Body Watchers” is proving to be a tenacious little film.

After being selected for the 2009 St Kilda Film Festival (where it played to a sold-out crowd at the Palace George Cinema), it has gone on to be screened at the 2009 Melbourne Underground Film Festival (MUFF), and has just been chosen as an opening night film for the upcoming 2009 Sexy International Film Festival.

I’m particularly excited by this last festival, as it means “The Body Watchers” will not only screen in Melbourne this October, but will then travel to Perth in November, and from there tour Paris, New York and Los Angeles next May.


Friday, September 4, 2009


A few weeks after breaking up

with my fiancé to whom I was betrothed

the woman I was supposed to marry

a mistake that needed to be corrected

My hands off of my beloved’s cousins

nor from her best friends too

could I seem to keep though I did try

though not very hard I must admit

Seducing them out of their clothes

their bodies became my toys

playthings for a moment they became

though my lust they could not sate

Far better to discover on my own

that my upcoming marriage

would have no effect upon my nature

the attraction to other women

So good-bye to my Fiancé did I bid

my life to live alone

to bed any woman my manhood desired

was the price willingly I paid

So off to the small town of Bremen

three weeks later did I move

to begin my life anew as a man set free

new hunting grounds did I seek

Once settled into my new apartment

the small Georgia town I explored

it was at a small Mexican Restaurant

that I found my first paramour

A buxom lass with reddish brown hair

who had a smile like an angels

like the stars above her eyes did twinkle

setting my little head on fire

So return to this Restaurant I surely did

through for the food I didn’t care

but it wasn’t for the food that I was there

nearly every night for a month

Ever so slowly the cautious confidence

of the brown haired lass I won

seducing her with a better then average tip

the power within my sky blue eyes

From which no other woman had resisted

the reason so often I get lucky

scoring a home run with a many a lass

where better men have struck out

Quickly did I learn the fair maidens name

since birth Meredith she’d been called

which in Welsh means one who guards the sea

a sea upon which my sails sought to unfurl

A worthy goal that soon came to pass

upon a starry night like any other

when the buxom lass let me drive her home

after her boyfriend failed to show

Up into my black custom van she did climb

to sit beside me in the passenger seat

as like the gentleman I pretended to be

taking Meredith all the way home

Where to her doorstep I escorted

the lady so lovely and fair

deposited the twenty-one year old lass

into the safety of her own home

Upon her front steps as I was about to go

into my blue eyes Meredith did look

once again falling beneath my magic spell

into her home she invited the spider

Whereupon about the well endowed lass

my web of deception did I spin

like a moth drawn to the ever burning flame

she fluttered daring me to catch her

Like a breath of fresh and clean air

was she who guarded the sea

upon which I very much wanted to sail

into her pants I wanted to get

As Meredith looked into my blue eyes

her boyfriend she certainly forgot

as well as the vows of feminine chastity

taught and instilled by her mother

For into my arms the brown haired lass

of her own free will did walk

where standing upon the tips of her toes

she pressed her sweet lips to mine

About my neck Meredith’ arms encircled

as she drew me into her embrace

into each others eyes we continued to gaze

even as her tongue chased mine

Upon the floor in a silky puddle of fabric

seemingly of their own accord

the clothes we wore like leaves did fall

before the winter of our discontent

Like brightly burning candles in the wind

the flames of our passions danced

as we stood kissing in Meredith’ livingroom

making out like a bandit I truly did

About my waist my brown haired lovers

long slender legs did encircle

when off the floor I lifted Meredith

cradling her gently within my arms

Into the privacy of her boudoir we walked

where upon her bed of forbidden love

the mystery of her feminine personality

she’d gladly teach her new student

So much to learn in oh so little time

yet in just a matter of moments

the ultimate master did I quickly become

as the secrets of her body unfolded

Upon Meredith’ bed of forbidden love

we rocked and rolled throughout the night

between the sheets we bounced

tumbling like a pair of dice in a game of chance

Upon her sea of sexual love I set sail

by the light of the moons soft silvery glow

to the shores of orgasmic delights

upon Meredith’ restless waters I navigated

The walls of the brown haired goddess

soon began to echo with her cries

moans and sighs of her increasing ecstacy

drowned out the sounds her bedsprings made

Taking turns we rode each other

pinning each others backs to the mattress

sometimes my hips rose and fell steadily

others upon my lance Meredith impaled herself

Like a curtain her brown hair fell

to hide the features of her lovely face

with the silky waterfall of her hair

my fingers played and became entangled

With my face buried in her valley of cleavage

the scent of her clean skin filled my nostrils

so that I could think of nothing else but her

the utter joy she brought to my manhood

But alas all good things must come to an end

from each other we must part

that night I spent in Meredith’ bed

the memory in my heart shall live forever

No matter how many others I shall bed

the one who guards the sea

shall remain one of my favorite memories

the goddess whose name is Meredith


Thursday, September 3, 2009

OMG & WTF Happened! Maia Campbell, from In the House, is All Over Web: Crack Videos, Singing Nude, And Explict Pics!


A star will be a star, no matter how good or bad they are doing in their personal life.  Take Maia Campbell, for example. She was a great young star and even won awards for her role in “In the House” with LL Cool J.  She had many movies and features in sitcoms as well.  Now, today, Twitter blast all her business over the web.  Pictures and videos surfaced, making it to some pretty big blogs & media sources.  Personally, I think she’s a little mental and broke down into some kind of schizophrenic/bi polar state of mind, with the help of drugs.  She is seen in one video pulling up in a neighborhood and being hounded by a cameraman.  Maia is under the influence and talking really wreckless.  In another video she sings Ashanti and carelessly lets her top fall down as if she has bigger problems or only focussed on the drugs or her state of mind.  Pics of her nude has also arisen and most of the twitterverse has started a new hashtag called #Pray4MaiaCampbell after seeing some of these candid media shots.  I pray for her as well and to view some of the crazy pics, look at the links below:

PARENTAL ADVISORY: Explicit Content Below

Maia Campbell:  In the hood, irate & video taped!

Maia Campbell:  Naked Pic & Singing Nude, High

Maia Campbell: 2nd Nude Photo


Maia Campbell: drugs, prostitution or what? Trend with Truth: The Real Maia Campbell Story Black Web 2.0 Maia Campbell PICTURES! LALATE


Caught Inside Her Web

Within the threads of her own web

the lovely spider

did I catch within my loving arms

pressed my mouth

to the full and luscious curvature

of her lips so sweet

caught the bottoms of her cute ass

within both my hands

cupped the orbs of her ripe breasts

a moment later

within the cage of my eager fingers

off her feet I swept

the naughty brown haired pop tart

my sexy little spider

who lives in her web down the street

inside her bed chamber

beneath the aura of her enchantment

the lovely Dawn I carried

as our clothes melted like candle wax

into a puddle on the floor

where upon the alter of our illicit lust

an ever willing sacrifice

did I lay the sexy brown haired spider

where beneath the sheets

once again she bit me with her fangs


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Hump Day!!!

A long time ago, in a world far, far away (okay Portland, Oregon so not that far away) I was producing a shoot for an advertising campaign with a cougar type woman in her mid-40s and a hot, muscular teen who had just arrived in the States from Scotland.  Shortly after the shoot, this lad contacted me because his student visa was running out and he was desperate to stay in the country.  We decided to produce a calendar and a workout video of this model to encourage INS to grant him a visa to come to the U.S. to work.  I decided to put his video up on eBay and you cannot believe how shocked I was when we sold the hell out of it.

So I created Mega Muscle.  This model, David Fox, got his visa as a model of exceptional ability and he was the very first model we ever worked with.  We still shoot with David from time to time and he now goes back and forth between here and the U.K.

So here he is, David Fox.  HAPPY HUMP DAY!

David Fox, photo by Jackson Imagery for

David Fox, photo by Jackson Imagery for

David Fox, photo by Jackson Imagery for

David Fox, photo by Richard Alan at the Mega Muscle Photo Expo in Palm Springs

David Fox, photo by Ryan Boyd

David Fox, photo by John Hough

David Fox, photo by Ryan Boyd

David Fox, photo by Richard Alan at the Mega Muscle Photo Expo in Las Vegas



Within the circle of our arms

my brown haired lover

and I stood pressing against

each other with our

lips locked together in a kiss

increasingly intimate

as we stood there making out

up against my chest

she pressed the luscious orbs

of her ripe breasts

while down her sexy backside

my fingers slipped

ever so slowly downward over

the curves of her hips

until cupped within my hands

lay the heart shaped

bottoms of her cute little ass

then as ever so softly

she spoke sweetly into my ear

from my dream

did I awaken to find my lover

lying sound asleep

surrounded by my loving arms


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Best Friends Daughter

Beneath the clean sheets of my bed

eagerly I await

the lovely daughter of my best friend

a nineteen year old

brown haired and well endowed goddess

whose luscious curves

turn me on and make me oh so very hard

patiently I await

to taste the sweetness of her lips

feel the softness

of the curves of her ripening naked body

hear the sounds

of her moans, sighs and cries of ecstasy

when at last

the hardness of my male sexual organ

slides into the depths

of the golden honey of her sweet wetness

again and again

in and out of her hot and wet love canal

the velvety sheath

of the lovely daughter of my best friend
