Friday, February 26, 2010

Soko Zine: Digital ‘Sexy Fashion’ Magazine

Soko Zine is a beautiful Digital Magazine, with very little text content, you can enjoy in Soko, some high-end sexy fashion editorial, with photographer and artist like Nacho Ricci, Mi-Zo, Manolo Campione or Henrik Purienne, you can be sure to have some high fashion editorials…

the magazine is a pleasure to look at ! Flip through it at the end of the article.



I flame from inside

I feel each tormenting lick of fire

Against my scorching skin

I am drenched

And reek of sweet love revealed

I open myself to receive you

Vivacious, throbbing

Rhythmically calling your name

And being called myself

I feel your gentle strength


And it never seems to end

I am flown from my mother’s womb

To divinity’s height

A sigh…a moan escaped me

And with the run of tides

At last I come

And I am one with you.



Wednesday, February 24, 2010


ello Smexies! The Couture outfit – Trinity is out! First Couture outfit for 2010. Very detailed body suit with jacket, sculpted attachments and a sculpted belt too! Check the picture - I am participating in the humpday happiness again. The Sexy Deep Mini dress (brown) has its price slashed to 69 lindens ONLY FOR TODAY! Don’t miss that :) Don’t forget to check the under 51 Lindens section too. Hop on the Hyper Culture Limo! Kisses, Crissy


Καλή όρεξη

Είναι η Esti Ginzburg, 19χρονο μοντέλο από το Ισραήλ στη φωτογράφηση 2010 του Sports Illustrated.

Εδώ η Esti ποζάρει στην κουζίνα, περισσότερες φωτογραφίες της Esti για το Sports Illustrated 2010, εδώ.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Cheeky little things.

Bordelle is a London Based Lingerie Brand, I totally love them. They’re sexy without being slutty, they chuck in quirky little touches like feathers in thongs with out been horrificly tacky! They don’t just do lingerie they also touch on hoodies and leggings but they use the same kind of fabrics as used in the lingerie giving a fierce look and some amazing pattern cutting skills, with plaited panels and crazy techniques i seriously wouldn’t know where to start!

When i was working at the Paris Lingerie Fair last year i got the chance to meet the designers who were a young couple, i asked where they’d studied fashion and was pretty suprised to find out they’d never even studied Fashion but both had degerees in Economics and liked fashion so started up the company. Sweet. Anyways after i saw them i did some sketches from their look book autumn winter 2009/10 for one of my placement reports…this is the outcome.


Sexy Eva Mendes & Jamie Dornan ~ Calvin Klein ad's

Eva Mendes şi modelul irlandez Jamie Dornan, într-o campanie Calvin Klein pentru primăvara-vara anului 2010…. mega super sexy hot.
Fotografii făcute de Steven Klein, ce trebuie să apară curând pe clădirile New York.ului. Eva Mendes a mai fost criticată că face pictoriale d’astea super sexy (către porno), în iunie 2009… pentru lenjerie (tot Calvin Klein). În cel mai cert caz de către nişte fagoţi.

::mai multe poze::

şi câteva cadre din promovarea lenjeriei de anul trecut….
::mai multe poze::


Friday, February 19, 2010


I, Isaac, Take Thee Rebekah ( Part 1)

Ravi Zachariah

Love is an enormous commitment ,a commitment that will test you at some of your most vulnerable areas of spirituality,a commitment that will force  you to make choices between some very difficult issues that you will be faced with ,and a commitment that will force you to deal with your lust ,greed,pride,every area of temptation that the Bible talks about.

Love demands of us that quality of commitment which Jesus uses as an analogy in His relationship to us.

Of all the analogy in this world, he takes the relationship of a bridegroom,of all the categorization of the Church ,He takes the loveliest of them all and call us His bride as he is the bridegroom.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.,than it is probably more difficult to live a life of death than to just die in one moment.

That commitment of Love is a constant dying to self.and giving,it is hard work.

The romantic feelings are not enough.


Cu dedicatie

Asta e un alt post pentru gagici.

Mai ales pentru cele care ma cunosc de ani de zile si s-au crucit aflind ca unul dintre putinii barbati pe care i-am placut fizic la modul ala care “te loveste”, iti dilata pupilele si…ma rog, iti mai face si alte lucruri, dar sa nu intram asa in amanunt…este, ba nu, a fost SEAL. Mie nu-mi plac barbatii de culoare, ci doar bruneti, dar asta dupa parerea mea emana erotism si are scris sexy si pe urechi! Cu muulti ani in urma, cind incercam sa vorbim ca intre fete si ne impartaseam gusturile in materie de masculi eram singura care ii dadeam intr-una cu Seal. Se uitau la mine de parca eram de pe alta planeta…”cum, uritul ala, bubosul ala, cu fata aia de cartoane de oua, chelul ala?” “cinta misto dar e urit cu spume”… Da, ala!

Zilele trecute am dat pe internet de o informatie (imi pare rau ca nu mai stiu pe care site) potrivit careia…femeile zilelor noastre si-au schimbat gusturile si l-au decretat pe Seal drept cel mai cel barbat, toate sustinind ca daca n-avea cicatricile alea pe fata nu era atit de hot! Ce mai ziceti doamnelor, acum? Mai sint sarita de pe fix? Cred ca da, ca intre timp nu-l mai gasesc atit de hot J) Desigur, iubitule, daca citesti asta intelegi ca eu n-am ochi decit pentru tine, la fel cum si tu ai doar pentru mine si nimeni altcineva pe pamint nu ar fi mai potrivit…


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Excuses" ...Lust... Echo Chamber Orchestra

I just fell in love all over again… The Morning Benders and friends, including, Christopher Owens, John Vanderslice, and Dizzy Balloon, paid tribute to legendary Phil Spector. They gathered together, forming the “Echo Chamber Orchestra,” and remastering  ”Excuses,” creating this beautiful, sensual Masterpiece.

L’amour fait les plus grandes douceurs et les plus sensibles infortunes de la vie…..xoxo


Monday, February 15, 2010

Product of today's shoot

Since you were ever so kind helping me with ideas for my shoot, I thought I could show you a picture from today. Let me know what you think.

I loooove cheese I do...

I tend to use myself an awful lot in my projects, mainly because I’m too shy to ask anyone else to model for me lol

So what you reckon?


Playboy Special Edition – Guia Do Corpo Feminino

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

all seating, all the time.

Here at, we receive many requests for quotes and general questions from architectural firms, interior design firms, and facilities managers grappling with which of our higher-end, design-inclined seating options will best fit their projects.  More often than not, we sing the (very high) praises of All Seating and the Inertia line by Now Seating.

(Now Seating 79040 Upholstered Mid Back Task Chair)

Browse the lines, and you’ll notice the sculptural angles, punchy fabric/leather/mesh colors, and ergonomic features that wonderfully complement chic hotel suites, sharp conference rooms, and the comfort of those who inhabit such spaces.  We especially like the All Seating Fluid Task Chair (below) for its robust construction and wide array of ergonomic features.  With 100+ fabrics and 4 vibrant mesh back colors, mixing and matching to acheive  certain moods and tones will be a cinch.


'Gossip Girl' Leighton Meester's Nude Sex Tape is Allegedly on the Web...HOT PHOTOS...

‘Gossip Girl’ Leighton Meester’s nude sex tape is allegedly on the Web

By Elizabeth Snead

“Gossip Girl” Leighton Meester has a wild side. And we’re not just talking about on the popular series in scenes with her GG character, Blair Waldorf’s, on-again, off-again lover, Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick).

Leighton-meester-sex-tape has screen shots of what looks like the buzzed-about sex video that reportedly has been shopped around on its site.

TMZ reports the private video was shot a few years back by her then-boyfriend and shows Leighton nude and the antics of her talented tootsies.

Oh, Lordie. There goes Leighton’s shoe spokesmodel career. spokesman Kevin Blatt told TMZ earlier “We’ve seen the tape, and we’re hoping to close the deal.”

Leighton’s rep has — so far — issued no comment. Our only comment is that we are not willing to join the site even with a free seven-day trial to see this salacious video. And we bet we’re not alone.

Keep reading to see more hot pictures of Meester…

Why do you think young actresses are so dumb as to let their boyfriends shoot videos of them making love?

Will you pay to see Leighton’s sex tape?


Monday, February 8, 2010

Get on the Right Corse(t)!

So V-day is coming up and this can be a good time for you to let the hot mama in you come out! Sometimes our day-to-day activities can leave us feeling tired, unflattering, and less than sexy. But here’s a good opportunity to recharge your battery! Now if you’re like me and still have a little pouch (i.e. “baby fat”) left over from the baby/babies, no need to fear…your lingerie help is here! :-)  So what you don’t look like Heidi Klum after 4 kids, that doesn’t mean you can’t look like a sexy Victoria’s Secret model. How is this possible you ask? Well I have your answer–>a good ‘ol fashion corset with a modern twist. This thing not only hides your belly but also straps you in while giving you a sexy silhouette, and they’re much more comfortable than their 17th century predecessors. Add some thigh highs and a garter belt and you will surely set your bedroom on fire. Where can I find these you ask? Try your local Frederick’s of Hollywood, or Victoria’s Secret. And for all of you hot mama’s on a budget, you can hit up H&M or Forever 21. This piece won’t be on for long, but it will surely start a fire! ;-)

Happy Valentine’s Day Hot Mama!


Emma Watson Aktris Muda Terkaya Hollywood

Cantik, populer dan berprestasi, itulah sederet pencapaian yang sudah dicapai pemain film ‘Harry Potter’, Emma Watson. Kini gadis 19 tahun itu dinobatkan sebagai aktris muda paling tajir di Hollywood.

Majalah Vaniy Fair menempatkan Emma Watson di posisi 40 di antara deretan aktris dengan pendapatan tertinggi di Hollywood. Posisinya memang ‘hanya’ di angka 40, tapi uang yang diperoleh perempuan kelahiran 15 April 1990 itu sudah menyamai nama-nama seperti Cameron Diaz, Sarah Jessica Parker hingga Angelina Jolie

Tentu saja para aktris tersebut sudah lebih dahulu berkecimpung di industri film dibanding Watson.

“Pendapatannya tahun 2009 lalu tercatat sebesar 20 juta Poundsterling (Rp 293 miliar-red). Semuanya didapat dari perannya sebagai Hermione di film ‘Harry Potter’,” tulis majalah Vanity Fair seperti yang dilansir Daily Mail, Jumat (5/2/2010).

“Ini prestasi mengagumkan untuknya, akan menjadi cerita hidup yang luar biasa untuk Emma. Sebentar lagi ia akan berulang tahun, bangku kuliah sudah di depannya dan Emma menjadi aktris dengan bayaran mahal,” imbuh Vanity Fair.

sumber :
