Monday, December 14, 2009

Some Back Story Part 2

As stated in the previous Blog we had halted all communication between us for months. Our friends no longer hounded us and all was good with the world lmao.

I had heard her name passed around a few times here and there but I paid no attention.  Occasionally I would see her but I didn’t bother saying hello. I mean our buisness was done and we had totally separated lives. Our friends know what I mean.

Then one night… run of the mill happenstances night. I see her and decide to say hello and see how everything is working out for her and to my surprise no answer from her.  It was like wow way to just brush me aside after I help you out.  lol But fortunately the next day she explained and everything was okay. I tried again to make some sort of connection to communicate thru another night and was abruptly denied. ( Harsh I know!!!!!)  So I was like oh well and moved on to other things. Then a few days later I think I get a message from Marya asking me to join her for some conversation.  I decided ok one more chance. I will give her this one night and then I won’t have to talk to her ever again. And in case u think I am full of shit about that ask her. I really was never going to talk to her again after that one night. To my surprise that was her exact same….

Anyways, we were hanging with a few of our friends and didn’t really talk to each other. But we did have a good time laughing and picking around here and there. We only spent like  2 hours or so together, but that was all I needed to become totally addicted and infatuated with her. I found myself craving  her laugh every second of every day. I would literally run our conversations thru my head all fn day long. I couldn;t wait to talk to her!! The images of her in my head just kept moving forward and slowly pushing back everything else. Soon all I could do was think of her and only her.  I found myslef smiling uncontrollably. I bet I looked like a big smiling schmuck to everyone else for sure.

Pretty soon we talked and talked and talked and TALKED!!!! I am talking like 24/7 literally. All day and all night. If we slept we would call each other the moment our eyes opened. The days flew by and the laughter was overwhelming. She has this absolutely amazing cute giggle that just lights me up like u wouldn’t believe.  We shared our life stories and made no judgements. It was so nice to talk to someone and be totally brutally honest. I held nothing back almost as if I was intending on scaring her away. Guess what, she didn’t go anywhere. If that isn’t a sign of a keeper I don’t know what is. I let everything go all at once. If she stays day after day then I will definately look into the long haul with her. She is still here and not going anywhere!!!!!!

Here we are 10 months and still getting stronger and stronger. She still makes laugh even tho her movie selection sucks sometimes. OH YA I SAID IT MARYA !!!! TAKE THAT AND PUT IT IN UR PIE HOLE!!!!!! lmao…Truth be told we both have picked some sucky ass movies. I just had to pick on her a lil bit so sorry Marya lol….

We have talked about everything and still find things to keep us busy. I honestly do not see us ever not being able to talk for hours and hours. I am just amazed at how such a arse like me ended up with a beautiful SEXY woman like Marya.  I love u silly twit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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