Monday, December 28, 2009

Joey L. Dowdy's "Make Me Sexy, Make Me Groove!" LESSON 101

Wouldn’t you like to be the person everyone is talking about for a change? You know what I mean, “Yes You, The Hot One!”  The one who enters into a room and, “BINGO” all eyes surround you. Have you ever wondered what makes the hot ones so attractive?

 How did they develop their magnetic appeal?  Is it just by the way they look?  Is there a certain vibe? What makes them so SEXY? What do they have that most others don’t, but would like to get? Is there a secret or possibly a magic formula?

 Sure! Looks do play a role when someone is classified as having the “It factor.” However, what works for one may not work for the other which could signify that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. 

 But I believe there’s more to it than just looks. There are other elements that make a person stand out from the crowd. That if you want to be Hot & Sexy it takes work, but more than that it’s a true realization. It’s a realization that starts from within. And it starts with the connection of learning how to move and use your body. Finding Your Groove!

 I believe there’s a sexy side to everyone yet you may have to dig a little to find it, but that’s okay, it’ll be a fun discovery.”  

 But the first step is to identify your unique qualities and characteristics that will help you to “Put Your Best Foot Forward.” 

 Did you know Movement & Dance is, “ The Original Body Language?” Not only does it have great physical fitness benefits, like helping you keep a nicely trim body, it also stimulates your brain for more creative and productive thinking power, it uplifts and refreshes your spirit as well.

 Movement & Dance has a way of speaking and communicating with out saying a SINGLE word, it sends out signals that convey certain messages. The movement becomes your voice. It’s a lesson 101 that can help you create your own Uniqueness, Hotness, and Sexiness. It has transformational Groove Power. How?

Check This Out!


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